Clean your Hands – Hand Washing training

Washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is one of the first lines of defence against infection. 

Medical Aid Films has two educational films available in multiple languages on hand-washing best practice for both communities and health workers, Mr Tembo Comes Clean! Hand Washing in Communities and Hand Washing in Hospitals

Mr Tembo Comes Clean! Hand Washing in Communities is available in Bemba, Hausa, Yoruba and English.

With daily life being disrupted as countries introduce measures to reduce transmissions – event cancellations, travel bans, social distancing – there is a need for all of us to make adjustments to how we work and live. 

Avoiding being exposed to the virus is the best way to prevent illness. Hand washing is one of the simplest ways to protect yourself and others.   

“Standard recommendations to prevent the spread of COVID-19 include frequent cleaning of hands using alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water; covering the nose and mouth with a flexed elbow or disposable tissue when coughing and sneezing; and avoiding close contact with anyone that has a fever and cough.”

World Health Organisation [1]

The films:

Made in collaboration with Guys & St. Thomas’ Hospital in London and Ndola Central Hospital in Zambia, we produced the film, “Mr. Tembo Comes Clean!” on hand washing and hygiene for community health education.

Producing versions in English, Yoruba, Hausa and Bemba, this project not only aimed to help communities learn about hand washing, but also provided a version covering hand washing best practices for health workers in hospitals.

Hand Washing in Hospitals is available in English, Hausa and Yoruba languages.

Stream or download Hand Washing in Hospitals

Medical Aid Films in the UK:

Medical Aid Films has this week taken measures to prioritise the safety of staff, visitors and project partners.

Following updated advice from the UK government we have temporarily asked our team to work from home rather than from our London office.

All meetings and presentations are now being held remotely.  We are monitoring the situation closely and are otherwise operating “business-as-usual” as much as is possible.   

We are still assessing the potential impact of the virus on our current projects and plans. Whilst the COVID-19 situation continues we recognise that this is a challenging time for everyone and ask that you please bear with us.

We are continuing to do all we can to keep people safe and deliver life-saving films.  We wish to thank all of our supporters for their generous and continued support.   

Make a donation to Medical Aid Films.

Work with us on the Coronavirus Response – Collaboration Opportunity:

We are also looking into collaborations with several partners to address the need for health information and educational materials towards the global Coronavirus response. It is crucial that people get information in their own language.

As always, our focus is on creating and distributing life-saving media by supporting health care workers and communities with engaging, quality materials and resources.

Want to work with us?
Please contact us here to discuss using educational media in response to COVID-19 or for using film in your next global health project.


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