Nepal: The Network of Safety – Saving the Lives of Mothers and Newborns

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Film made about One Heart Worldwide's "Network of Safety" a simple, effective, replicable and sustainable model to reduce preventable deaths related to pregnancy and delivery in remote, rural areas of the world.

The OHW model improves the health and well-being of vulnerable pregnant women and newborns that may not otherwise have access to medical or public health services due to socio-cultural barriers, limited personal resources, or living in geographically challenging environments.

The Network of Safety is a unique community-based model that builds a network of equipped and staffed health facilities, educates and trains local providers and community health volunteers to provide quality maternal child health care and safely attend all deliveries, and empowers local communities to take the responsibility to make the project successful.

The Network of Safety long-term sustainability is based on integration of local resources, collaboration with key local religious and political leaders, participation of local communities and providers, and respect for cultural norms and practices.

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This film is available in

English Nepali

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