Terms of Access to our Films

All films produced by Medical Aid Films are on our website, Vimeo and YouTube channels for personal and non-commercial use.  

We are a small Not for Profit organisation and funding is critical to our survival, therefore we are requesting that viewers make a donation on our website, or become a member on You Tube. This will provide us with essential funding to continue our work. 

If you would like to use our films for any other reason or to download them, please contact us to arrange for a license. More details can be found in section 2 below. 

We trust that you will respect the terms below. By doing so you will be helping to support and sustain our mission of making quality health education accessible for all.   

1.1 Definitions  

‘User/s’: a person or company who watches a Medical Aid Films’ film  

Non-commercial use: something that is not primarily intended for, or directed towards, commercial advantage or monetary compensation by an individual or organisation.  

Commercial use: intended for, or directed towards, commercial advantage or monetary compensation by an individual or organisation. 

Non-personal use: when it involves more than an individual and/or is being used for the purposes of a company/organisation. 

Low income country: a country that is defined as low income according to World Bank income classifications (GNI per capita) 

Middle income country: a country that is defined as lower-middle or upper-middle income according to World Bank income classifications (GNI per capita) 

High-income country:  a country that is defined as high income according to World Bank income classifications (GNI per capita) 

2. Licensing our films 

License fees are an essential part of supporting Medical Aid Films’ mission and sustaining the organisation. 

If you would like to use our films for non-personal and/or commercial purposes or would just like to download our films, then you will need to request a license.  

Each request will be reviewed against the following criteria:  

  • Individuals who require downloads as part of their professional responsibilities, particularly in remote areas with limited or unreliable internet access. 
  • Undergraduate students and volunteers, non-salaried paraprofessional community health workers or educators from low-income countries. 
  • Under certain circumstances, we will grant free access to community health workers or educators in under-resourced or remote settings, as well as to people who don’t meet the criteria outlined above.  

Criteria for a paid license is if an individual and/or organisation would like to use our films for: 

  • Commercial purposes 
  • Educational activities including training 
  • Workshops 
  • Screenings 
  • Adding to an existing film library 
  • Making available on social media or any other media including apps and websites 

Users can request to license a film by emailing license@medicalaidfilms.org  

We reserve our right to take legal action against you for all unauthorised use of Medical Aid Films’ film. 

3. Disclaimer of Warranties 

All of Medical Aid Films are provided as a learning aid only. They are provided for educational and informational purposes. Content in a film is based on standards of care, best practice for the setting and advice given in the year that it was created. The information in these films is not a substitute for medical judgment, medical advice, medical care, diagnosis, or treatment. If you are in doubt of any information provided and/or expressed in any Medical Aid Films’ film, it is your responsibility to seek advice from a qualified medical expert. 

Whilst Medical Aid Films has a technical review process for all its films, it does not and cannot guarantee the accuracy, reliability, and completeness of the information in these films. The films and their content are provided on an “as is” basis, without express and implied warranties and representations of any kind including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, and noninfringement.  

4. Limitation of Liability 

In no event shall Medical Aid Films, its directors, officers, employees, contractors, volunteers, affiliates, agents, or representatives be liable for any damages, loss, or injury, including, without limitation, any incidental, direct, indirect, consequential, exemplary, special, punitive, multiple or other indirect damages, including lost profits, arising out of or relating to the use of the films and content available on their platforms, whether based upon warranty, infringement, contract, tort, statute, strict liability, or otherwise. Users and viewers assume all responsibility and risk for the use of the films and content. 

5. Copyright  

All films streamed and/or downloaded remain the copyright of Medical Aid Films and/or their Partners.  

The films must be used “in whole” and not altered, modified, or changed in any way (changes include overlays of text, logos, or other messages). If you would like to alter, adapt or edit the films in any way (including translation, narration, or partial use), please contact Medical Aid Films info@medicalaidfilms.org to discuss your request.  

6. Trademark 

Medical Aid Films is a legally registered trademark belonging to Medical Aid Films. 

The unauthorized or prohibited use of any of the above registered trademark or copyrighted materials may subject you to civil liability or criminal prosecution, or both, under applicable UK and European laws, as well as foreign laws and international conventions. 

7. Privacy Policy  

YouTube and Vimeo have their own privacy policies and Users are encouraged to read these. 

Any data that Medical Aid Films receives will be processed in line with our Privacy Policy which can be found here.