Why Sophie Supports our BBC Radio 4 Appeal
When recording our appeal earlier this month, Sophie Ellis-Bextor told us why she supports Medical Aid Films.
Listen to her share about her own experience of having her first two boys prematurely. And, as a result, how this prompted her to consider the importance of supporting women around the world through their pregnancy and childbirth.
It never really occurred to me to think “would they survive? Would I survive?”…For some people even getting to a hospital, even finding those doctors and nurses is not a given.
Over 300,000 women* and 3 million newborns die needlessly in developing countries each year. Almost all these deaths are preventable. This is due to a lack of access to trained health workers. This is a result of a critical lack of knowledge about issues in maternal and child health.
Medical Aid Films provides a simple solution: health education through film.
Read more about Badra in Somaliland who is now a qualified midwife, addressing maternal & neonatal health in her community. Our educational films were part of her training.
We have a portfolio of educational films about life-saving issues in maternal and child health. Our films are used extensively by over 1,200 organisations globally to educate nurses, midwives, health workers and whole communities. Film can play a leading role in delivering life-saving training and health information in developing countries.
Our BBC Radio 4 Appeal is airing soon! Please make sure to tune into the broadcasts on Sunday 7th October at 07:55 and 21:25, and again on Thursday 11th October at 15:25.
The films we produce save lives, and with your support we can continue to bring health education and training to ever wider audiences.

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Reference: World Health Organisation